Isolated Electrical Ground

Would you like to rid your audio system of any residual floating electrical noise caused by your AC house current?

Typically, these types of “clean” electrical systems are utilized where there will be sensitive electronic equipment installed: crucial computer systems, medical devices, and other items that would not operate well with power that is not “clean.”  This unwanted electrical noise can happen in many different forms, such as with EMI (electromagnetic interference) or ground loops. 

Perhaps you have an audio system that is using several different pieces of equipment that are plugged into a few different receptacles. Those audio components are generally tied back to the same ground. But the difference in potential between the various voltages and equipment can lend itself to the conductors picking up additional noise and creating havoc with the low voltage systems.

In the installation of an Isolated Ground system, Northern Audio utilizes an additional grounding loop to keep the equipment plugged into a receptacle, separate from the standard equipment grounding loop (that bonds all our grounds and metallic equipment together).  In doing this, it keeps most of that electrical “noise” separate from the ground that travels directly to the receptacle and what is plugged into it.

Why is this process additionally important?

It lowers the ohms in the home to a ridiculous level so that no piece of your audio equipment has any issue finding ground. 

Now, you can have this “clean” power in your home!  

Northern Audio now staffs certified electricians and project managers who are not only familiar with this technology, but also have it implemented into their own homes.  Arrange today to have Isolated Electrical Ground installed in your home in any one of following three configurations:

Level 1:
Includes two dedicated circuits in your existing box with isolated ground added.

Level 2:
Includes everything in Level 1, plus the installation of a 100 amp sub panel in-room, added to your existing 200 amp home service.

Level 3:
Includes everything in Level 1 and Level 2, plus the installation of a complete 200amp service.

Plus, take your Isolated Electrical Ground to a higher level with these add-ons: 

– Implement 150ft of Romex Cryogenically frozen AC power wire.
-Go from two ground rods (standard) to three ground rods wired in star format.
– Upgrade to electrical grade dirt for ground rods.
– Upgrade from 16 to 32 AC outlets.

The isolated ground concept is what is used in hospitals, where precision is of the utmost importance.  So if it is good enough for heart surgery, it’s good enough for your ears!  Call us today to learn more at: 412.931.5850 or email us now to schedule your free, in-home consultation.

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